Pyxis 072522

PYXIS by Jonas Campe is the perfect zine for fans of David Cronenberg’s movies or Roxy Paine’s sculpture art. Visceral, mysterious, and strangely organic, these high-contrast visual poems are dense and meditative. Frequent motifs include bodies withering – deteriorating into sinew or emerging from tangled brambles – mysterious cave-like structures, metamorphosis, and sparse language (used to best effect in issue no. 12, where words are used less to convey a message, and more as a texture, conveying a dystopian city-setting drowning in adverts). The heavy, high-contrast line work makes the art feel lush – an inky jungle to traverse. These aren’t zines that you read so much as experience – there aren’t clear story lines as much as there is the conveyance of a vibe.

📓 Details: half-size, various pages, b&w
🛒 : $5 via etsy
🔗 : instagramemail

Pyxis 072522

PYXIS by Jonas Campe is the perfect zine for fans of David Cronenberg’s movies or Roxy Paine’s sculpture art. Visceral, mysterious, and strangely organic, these high-contrast visual poems are dense and meditative. Frequent motifs include bodies withering – deteriorating into sinew or emerging from tangled brambles – mysterious cave-like structures, metamorphosis, and sparse language (used to best effect in issue no. 12, where words are used less to convey a message, and more as a texture, conveying a dystopian city-setting drowning in adverts). The heavy, high-contrast line work makes the art feel lush – an inky jungle to traverse. These aren’t zines that you read so much as experience – there aren’t clear story lines as much as there is the conveyance of a vibe.

📓 Details: half-size, various pages, b&w
🛒 : $5 via etsy
🔗 : instagramemail