I brought “Horse Horse Magazine” with me to the Neither/nor Zine Collective’s first Zine Club show-and-tell, and man was it a hit! Everyone had a blast oogling this zine’s zany collages, and we were all laughing at it’s extremely informative (and not at all imaginary) articles. Take the “Problem Clinic” help column, which features tips on dealing with shrinking horses and advice on how to ween your appaloosa pony off of impulse shopping and online dating (apparently, the answer is getting your horse an old nintendo, as Mario is “the only computer game designed for horses to play without losing their minds and getting married in a way that rips the family apart.”) If that sentence intrigued you, confused you, or made your little horse ears perk up, then I highly recommend subscribing to this strange, surreal, and hilarious zine.

📓 Details: half-size, 18 pages, b&w
🛒 : free or trade
🔗 : instagramemail • PO Box 94873, Lincoln NE 68509

I brought “Horse Horse Magazine” with me to the Neither/nor Zine Collective’s first Zine Club show-and-tell, and man was it a hit! Everyone had a blast oogling this zine’s zany collages, and we were all laughing at it’s extremely informative (and not at all imaginary) articles. Take the “Problem Clinic” help column, which features tips on dealing with shrinking horses and advice on how to ween your appaloosa pony off of impulse shopping and online dating (apparently, the answer is getting your horse an old nintendo, as Mario is “the only computer game designed for horses to play without losing their minds and getting married in a way that rips the family apart.”) If that sentence intrigued you, confused you, or made your little horse ears perk up, then I highly recommend subscribing to this strange, surreal, and hilarious zine.

📓 Details: half-size, 18 pages, b&w
🛒 : free or trade
🔗 : instagramemail • PO Box 94873, Lincoln NE 68509