“Minor Leagues No. 12” by Simon Moreton strikes me as the sort of zine that a Wes Anderson character might create*. Some of you might think that’s a diss, but I mean it as a total compliment: this zine is stylish and stylized and quirky, sweetly elevating life’s little minutiae to fascinating, poetic heights. The zine opens with a list of “Some Things That Happened” that really sets the tone; if you find yourself charmed by fragments of memories that describe sweet potatoes as marvelous “friendly cluster(s) of pink ham fingers” and recount the night “the Jamaican place on the corner was barbecuing — the twilight got all thick with jerk smoke and chicken mist and it made the traffic lights fragrant” then this is the zine for you. Like I said: quirky, stylish, sweet. Near the centerfold, you’ll find a photo comic of Peregrine Rook and Crowdo Baggins — anthropomorphized birds with caps and plaid shirts. There is a count of all the River Frome Kingfishers that Simon saw in 2023, recollections from train rides home or restless nights spent ruminating, snapshot photos, open letters, short diary entries, doodles, and an “Afterword” that shot an arrow straight through my heart. “Minor Leagues no. 12” is neatly whimsical and wholly charming and I am so glad that it found it’s way to my P.O. Box from all the way across the pond.

*Although, let’s be real, if a Wes Anderson character did write a perzine, they would typset it all in Futura.

📓 Details: halfish-size, 48 pages, b&w
💌 : £5.00 via shop
🔗 : websiteinstagram

“Minor Leagues No. 12” by Simon Moreton strikes me as the sort of zine that a Wes Anderson character might create*. Some of you might think that’s a diss, but I mean it as a total compliment: this zine is stylish and stylized and quirky, sweetly elevating life’s little minutiae to fascinating, poetic heights. The zine opens with a list of “Some Things That Happened” that really sets the tone; if you find yourself charmed by fragments of memories that describe sweet potatoes as marvelous “friendly cluster(s) of pink ham fingers” and recount the night “the Jamaican place on the corner was barbecuing — the twilight got all thick with jerk smoke and chicken mist and it made the traffic lights fragrant” then this is the zine for you. Like I said: quirky, stylish, sweet. Near the centerfold, you’ll find a photo comic of Peregrine Rook and Crowdo Baggins — anthropomorphized birds with caps and plaid shirts. There is a count of all the River Frome Kingfishers that Simon saw in 2023, recollections from train rides home or restless nights spent ruminating, snapshot photos, open letters, short diary entries, doodles, and an “Afterword” that shot an arrow straight through my heart. “Minor Leagues no. 12” is neatly whimsical and wholly charming and I am so glad that it found it’s way to my P.O. Box from all the way across the pond.

*Although, let’s be real, if a Wes Anderson character did write a perzine, they would typset it all in Futura.

📓 Details: halfish-size, 48 pages, b&w
💌 : £5.00 via shop
🔗 : websiteinstagram