An image of 'Rush Job #1'

Created for the January 2024 edition of Anna Jo Beck’s Zine-a-Month subscription, the first issue of Rush Job is a compilation perzine that really floored me. Jami Sailor of Little James Zines did the curation, asking their friends for “perzine-y stuff” like experiences or lists of their favorite veggie burgers, and dang does Jami have a buncha talented friends! The quality of the writing is astounding; take, for instance, the opening essay “Searching and Fearless” by KT, which recounts a friends’ eulogy for their father, an essay which had me tearing up thanks to its tenderness. Or sidle up to the story that follows it, Liv Hanson’s “Seancing”, which uses the experience of a lease-ending seance to explore memory: “the older anything gets, the more haunted it becomes, not because of death, but because it is filled with the memory of so much life. Just look at us! Our skin foxed and grooved by days in the sun and childhood scars.” There’s some gorgeous, gorgeous writing in this zine, and I enjoyed each and every one of the seven essays contained within.

📓 Details: half-size, 20 pages, b&w
💌 : out-of-print (january 2024 zine-a-month pick)
🔗 : zine-a-month patreoninstagram

An image of 'Rush Job #1'

Created for the January 2024 edition of Anna Jo Beck’s Zine-a-Month subscription, the first issue of Rush Job is a compilation perzine that really floored me. Jami Sailor of Little James Zines did the curation, asking their friends for “perzine-y stuff” like experiences or lists of their favorite veggie burgers, and dang does Jami have a buncha talented friends! The quality of the writing is astounding; take, for instance, the opening essay “Searching and Fearless” by KT, which recounts a friends’ eulogy for their father, an essay which had me tearing up thanks to its tenderness. Or sidle up to the story that follows it, Liv Hanson’s “Seancing”, which uses the experience of a lease-ending seance to explore memory: “the older anything gets, the more haunted it becomes, not because of death, but because it is filled with the memory of so much life. Just look at us! Our skin foxed and grooved by days in the sun and childhood scars.” There’s some gorgeous, gorgeous writing in this zine, and I enjoyed each and every one of the seven essays contained within.

📓 Details: half-size, 20 pages, b&w
💌 : out-of-print (january 2024 zine-a-month pick)
🔗 : zine-a-month patreoninstagram